PopSlate’s Nifty New Gadget: iPhone Case with E-Ink Screen

PopSlate has created the ultimate iPhone case: one that not only protects your precious phone, but also includes an E-ink screen on the back of the case.

E-Ink is known to have advantages over LCD displays when reading. It’s ideal for black and white text, and it also more closely resembles paper. Perhaps if we choose E-Ink over LCD when reading electronically, we can pretend we’re holding a real book made of real paper.

Plus, Gizmodo reports that E-Ink screens don’t need power to keep their images. Problem solved! We all know how terrifying it can be when our phones die — especially when we’re relying on it for one pertinent, timely piece of information. (Such as exact directions to a new neighborhood, or a short poem to impress a first date.)

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